himalayan contemporary wedding album coffeebook
himalayan contemporary wedding album coffeebook
himalayan contemporary wedding album coffeebook
himalayan contemporary wedding album coffeebook
himalayan contemporary wedding album coffeebook
himalayan contemporary wedding album coffeebook

himalayan contemporary wedding album coffeebook
himalayan contemporary wedding album coffeebook]]>


Hi Chung!

I just came across your blog and I really must say: Wow! Great photos, great work of art! I like your style of taking pictures and interacting with your actors/subjects. They really look like if they enjoy the shooting with you – though it’s always (more or less) hard work.
Unfortunately I’m already married (since more than 20 years), but in my next life I’ll try to remember you when looking for a wedding photographer… ;-))

Greetings from Germany, Uwe.

Sure I am !!!

so cool! you’re the best bestman!