2008-4-30 Annie Siu Floral & Event web site Re-launching

December 30, 2008

I’m so glad to receive Annie Siu’s email yesterday about her web site re-launch. Annie is one of the most talented Floral designer I know in the bay area, both her work / design and her friendly personality impressed me so much. I got to know Annie in June & Greg’s wedding in San Francisco City Hall last year. She asked me If I could help her capture some of her beautiful flower setup shots for the event. Of Course no problem ! (even she didn’t ask me, I will do it as they are just too gorgeous). Her flowers and all the bouquet are so beautifully made and nicely decorated with attention to all details . It added so much flavor to the wedding and making the San Francisco City Hall even more magnificent !

Her website is

I’m so honored to have some of the photos I took in the wedding to be published in the very first few page in her web site gallery section.

Congratulation again to Annie’s web site re-launch .
