2009-3-13 Chung Li photography Gallery Grand Opening Pictures

March 14, 2009

Nicole Ha Floral Design provided me such a beautiful and cute floral setup and Jen from JENSCAKES made this 2 tier awesome cake that everyone praised ! Also like to thank Andrew from Studio MSV shot a footage for my gallery. Do I have a theme when I planned this opening ? well, not really, but I just wanted to make it fun, casual, cute. With the help of Nicole and Amy Tam from Amy’s Wedding & Events , together with the sushi provided by Joe from the Crown Plaza Hotel , our food table was decorated very nicely before our event started, after Jen brought the cake here, the table looked PERFECT. Again , I ‘m thrilled to have all my good friends in the wedding industry and my former client came to my grand opening : Giada, Alisha & Brook Todd, Augie Chang, Duncan Reyes, Nicole Ha, Amy Tam, Ricky Wong, Andrew Hsu, Jen, Carla & Jamie, Cindy Chen, Lilia and Raymond, Kerry Ling, Dawn Stoloff, Annie Siu, Mayumi , Zach Thanks for all of my guests’ support !!! The funny Jen and her super cute baby girl.
Before the event, I reminded Alisha and Brook to bring Giada, she is so adorable, everyone wants to see her !!

Remember one of my favourite bride Carla ? she came with her husband Jamie. Thanks for supporting !! it seems that everyone in my event recognized this beautiful bride .

let me also include their company sites if you want to know more about my guests Alisha & Brook : Alisha + Brook Photographers
Andrew Hsu : Studio MSV
Annie Siu : Annie Siu Floral Design
Amy Tam : Amy’s Wedding Events
Augie Chang : Augie Chang Photography
Cindy Chen : Hopparazzi Photography
Duncan Reyes Events by Design
Jen : Jenscakes
Kerry Ling : Essential moment
Lilia & Raymond : Lilia Photography
Nicole Ha : Nichole Ha Floral Design
Ricky Wong : W Photography
Stacie Tamaki : The Flirty Guide
Former client : Carla and Jamie ]]>