2009-10-8 Personal Fun Project (Video)

October 9, 2009

Byington Winery in Saratoga. To make sure I will have enough time to enjoy myself and have fun, I referred them another good photographer Ricky from wphotography to take care of the photography part. However, I told them I can do some video here and there using my Canon 5D mark II cameras and made the following 8 mins movie clip. Just for fun, and they love it !

Mayumi & Zach ‘s Wedding (Canon 5D mark II) from Chung Li on Vimeo.

The gear I used was : two Canon 5D Mark II ,
50mm macro for the close up shots during preparation.
24-70mm for most of the wide-medium shots
70-200mm for closeup in preparation / ceremony and dancing
17-40mm for the walking/moving camera shots.]]>


nah… just do video for fun

Possible new career Chung? Nice video!