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Cecil and David got to be one of my favourite couples. They visited me couple months ago, said they were planning their wedding in 2010, but they wanted to do some formal portrait and some engagement type portrait first. Cecil had couple locations in her mind before the shoot, she wants something San Francisco, something unique and something that can show their personalities. As Cecil is a wine maker and we decided to include one of the shooting location in a private winery in San Francisco, and I totally made this a Wine theme as u can see in the highlight slideshow below.
The best customer service ! I mean THEY provided me the best customer service , funny huh ? We began our first shooting location in the winery, when I got there with my equipment, they’ve already dressed up and what pleasantly surprised me was… they have glasses of white wine ready for me already. How could I not love them , first time I could enjoy glass(es) of wine before the shoot ! NICE !!!.
Oh, I haven’t finished yet, Cecil and David was so kind they even gave me a bottle of wine they made as a gift to me and appreciated my hard work. Yay, I love people who appreciated my creativity, I love people who appreciated my effort taking care of them, I love people who appreciated photographers !!
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What a good looking groom! – David
great pictures – love the spontaneity in them!
Fabulous pictures, love the pier shot! Am such a fan of your work, always showcasing the couple so beautifully and capturing the essence of San Francisco. LOVE!
She is such a cute bride !!
The 3rd portrait of Cecil is so pretty! Are they getting married at her winery?