2009-12-30 Say Hi to me !!!!

December 30, 2009 My Twitter : san francisco wedding photographer This is a screen capture of the system I used to capture the demographic distribution of my blog readers, for example, yesterday I have readers from 70 different places visited by blog…. 🙂 thank you !!
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Hi Chung, I stop by your site now and again, checking out your work, which is AMAZING. Very inspiring. Thanks for doing what you do and being so hospitable! Best regards to you in 2010.
~ Jennifer Bates
Brooklyn, Michigan

Hi Chung! 😀
You already know me too, but here's a message to say hi cuz you asked so nicely.

Do you see that dot over Alabama? That was me! Your work inspires me. "Sharing"…it's a great concept!

Hi Chung! It was great seeing you in SF a few weeks ago! Hmmm… how come your stat reader didn't read HAWAII? 🙂

Sending some love to your blog and work 🙂 been following your blog and love your work.

Thanks Lilia ! same to you ! Hope we all have an even better year !

Hey Chung! You already know me. 🙂 You have a great idea here, asking people to leave comments and introduce themselves. We should all do that on our blogs! I hope you have a wonderful new year in 2010 with lots of success.