Introduction to Photography classes the past 2 years now and each class always had a great turn out. I thought I’d take it to the next level so 2 months ago, I started planning and developing a more advance class: Portrait Photography.
I got busy developing the class material and looking for a venue for the class and the shoot. I also had to look for a hair and make-up artist, and of course, a model. Once I had all these down, all that was left was to teach the class.
So last Sunday on Oct. 3, 2010, 7 students ranging from amateur shooters to part-time wedding photographers looking to improve arrived at Xinh Bistro Lounge ( especially thanks to Elsie and Vana let me use their restaurant space ), which turned out to be a awesome venue for the class and the indoor shoot.
The morning got started with getting to know the students and their challenges in shooting. I designed this smaller class format to encourage a lot of interaction, and I want to make sure I pay attention to every one of my students, not just a bunch of people shooting together. We watched and discussed a slideshow of some of my recent work. Then I walked them through my post-production work flow using LightRoom , and live demonstration of editing some of my WPPI – award winning images. ( two 2nd places and one 3rd place )
While all this was going on, our gorgeous model Alana was getting ready for the afternoon live shoot. She is a stunning beauty with hair and make up by Joey Cheung of David of AVR Films was also on hand to shoot a video promo of the class.
The afternoon was where all the fun begins when the students actually get to practice what they saw and heard. They followed my directions to do the indoor shooting while learning about natural lighting, camera positioning, subject positioning and direction, and composition. Then, we took it outside for an outdoor shoot, again learning to direct the subject as well as learning to make the best use of natural lighting.
It turned out to be another successful class. It is really fulfilling to see my students learn and for me to be able to share my passion for photography with them.
I am planning another class already so if you are interested, pls. email me chung@chungliphotography and I will put you on the interest list so you can get priority spot in the next class.
I want to thank the class sponsors: AVR Films, Joey Cheung of and Xinh Bistro.
Xinh is open for lunch M-F and available for private parties nights and weekends. (contact Elsie 415-819-3860).