2008-10-1 After the day shoot for Sue & Andrew

October 1, 2008

San Francisco City Hall ceremony and reception was elegant and the downtown SF shooting was also a lot of fun. Here I post a screen shot of their final wedding album . Also some portrait that we took 2 days after the wedding at the same location SF city hall. Just a reminder if you want to dome some serious shooting there, better apply for the permit before you go.
san francisco city hall wedding san francisco city hall wedding san francisco city hall wedding san francisco city hall wedding san francisco city hall wedding
san francisco city hall wedding san francisco city hall wedding san francisco city hall wedding san francisco city hall wedding ]]>


Amazing photos. You can tell those that really love their work!




Thank you so much for getting our album online already.

There are so many beautiful photos. Again, we are so thankful to have you as our photographer.
Not only you did such an excellent job, you were also fun to work with!

We really appreciate your work and have already been telling everyone about you. Many of our friends and relatives complimented us on the pictures that you took for us.
We are pretty sure lots of our soon to be wedded friends are going to call you soon if they have not already done so.

Thank you again for all your hard work!!! Do keep in touch. We want to see more beautiful wedding photos from you!!

-sue and andrew