8/22 Digital Photography Beginner Class – SOLD OUT

August 1, 2010

Thank you ! Thank you so much for asking , the 22nd August Digital Photography Beginner Class all seats SOLD OUT. Before the class on 7/17 , I didn’t think of I would have another class that soon and the response was great . Here are 2 student’s review on their blog, see what they have learned.

Stacie of the Flirty Guide : <<<<<<
Diane of DKdesigns : <<<<<< Thank you so much for all former students’ awesome testimonials , I think the intimate , small group (8 students), and most importantly the hands-on format attracting many photography beginners to jump start their skills and feel comfortable with their new equipment. I still have couple students on the waiting list / interest list, so, here is the good news , I ‘ll have one more beginner class in Sept/Oct, email me first, I will put you in my list, but I will definitely post details here later also ! Oh, forget to mention, I am also having an intermediate class in Sept/Oct also which focus more on dynamic posing , lighting and Photoshop/Lightroom editing ! EMAIL ME first !!! To see all previous posts , images for all beginner class we have before, CLICK HERE : <<< ]]>